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Low-key bullying

A form of bullying that is not visibly apparent at first. Usually though the use of condescending behaviour towards another or by the faking of interest in their victim, in which they are pretending to be nice. The bully typically enjoys belittling his victims for his own enjoyment.

Hey did you see James low-key bullying the autistic kid? That shit ain’t cool man.

You can’t accuse me of low-key bullying, I was just being nice

by Jgeorgerownster March 8, 2021

low key OG

An original gangster that is unknown to the untrained eye. Someone who does not look like he is crazy but when shit hits the fan, their true colors show.

Did you see how that nerd took that shank and stabbed that foo.. he a low key OG.

by Anthony Alvarez. November 11, 2006

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soft visual kei

Soft visual kei is a vaguely defined sub-genre of visual kei (a type of Japanese music). Instead of elaborate costumes, the bands wear clothing "off the rack" and have simple, natural makeup. It is what people tend to think of when they think of mainstream or major visual kei, but it is very different from typical visual kei. The most important aspect of the music is the melody. The style pretty much died around the year 2000, when visual went back to having an independent focus. Sometimes shortened to "Sofubi."

Bands include Siam Shade, Glay, Sophia, Janne Da Arc. Contrasts with kote kei.

Calling "soft visual kei" bands a form of "visual kei" seems to be a marketing move more than anything; they don't have the same dark focus or elaborate costumes of other bands.

by Mahiro October 21, 2007

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keys without the e

A cute thing to tell ur bf/gf

bf: hey babe
gf: yeah
bf: keys without the e
gf: ..

by cybermiku September 26, 2021

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windows key + d

A function/shortcut used in the Windows operating system. Pressing the Windows Key and the letter 'D' simultaneously will minimise any folder/program/window that is on the screen at the time.

Due to this function's popularity with risk-taking pornography fanatics (to quickly hide evidence of unscrupulous activity), it can be humorous to shout "WINDOWS KEY D" while entering a friend's room when you know they are using a computer.

Bill swifty entered Scott's room while shouting "WINDOWS KEY D" (windows key + d) to find Scott abusing himself with the GIF section of 4chan.org displayed on his monitor.

by agentB May 27, 2006

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keeper of the seven keys

two albums from power metal band helloween

probably the best power metal albums ever

Your the keeper of the seven keys...who locked up the seven seas

by Junglemanchild April 14, 2005

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low key dying

When life hits you too hard but you can't be a bitch about it.

low key dying but it's ok

by chairman meowww June 9, 2017

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