What the heck? Special lipo ports are installed at the tables to suck out the fat from your fat order you just ate. Blue for guys. Pink for girls. Say you order 3 Super size meals. You eat two and connect the free screw in port into your belly button. As you eat the machine turns on sucking out your meals. Calories 0. You then take the other meal and heat it up later. Everybody wins! McDonalds sells more and you control your weight by ordering the McDonalds Mclipo Meal. The fat is then repurposed and added to the fryer. You feel so awesome you order some cookies to go.
Jadu: I simply love McDonalds McLipo Meal.
Vrin: Me too. I lost 80 lbs. on this diet.
Jadu: I'm an addict now.
Vrin: McDonalds really cares about us minions.
Jadu: I'm rewriting my will so everything will go to Mickey D's.
Vrin: Already did that.
A place where children go as there parents try to work off the three hundred thousand dollar loan they have taken out to be able to afford common household appliances as they struggle to live off of the 8 dollar and hour wage working Alfonso construction because they spend all their leftover money on black tar heroine and meth instead of putting it in saving like a normal fucking person as their life crumbles away
Man I hate fucking kids, inns go buy some meth and drop them lil niggas of at McDonald’s
A place where your girlfriend gets fucked by a bunch of fat fucks
Damn kid goku your girlfriend works at McDonald’s?
A fast food joint that makes me want to throw up every single goddamn time:) (IM TALKING TO YOU HOT N’ SPICY!)
But it’s delicious. But not as delicious as Truland Burgers And Greens. oh yeah let me get inside you turkey burger😩😩
A trash fast food restaurant that has every food problem in the world, but people still like it.
???: “McDonald’s is the WORST! My brother got salmonella from eating a grilled chicken sandwich there!”
Me: “I know. There should be a third window in McDonald’s. So you pay at the first, get your food in the second, and turn in all of the wrong shit they gave you at the third.”
A fat ass ranga who thinks drinking 4 liters of chocolate milk and a whole chicken in an hour will make him bulk. built like a donut and gases anyone within a 100km radius with his BO, and thinks spending all his paycheck on cologne can save him.
Holy shit have you been near angus mcdonald?! he fucking reeks