Source Code

Murder Dubbs

Murder Dubbs is a Block in east oakland goes to tha 20s 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 and to the 29 it dont matter if is east 20s or the avenues is the block the dubbs lul homie. Murder dubbs has some blocks cut in half with stubby 300 and sum wit case 400 in my experience ive seen both but idk who rules the block? Anyways it look like is gentrifying so les keep it real 20s n keep deez rich asians n white boys out the dubbs cuz is a hood not a neighbor HOOD.
Murder dubbs WAYYY back in the days like 80s crack junkie era it was Tha Thwomps but Atm is called the Dubbs Rollin 20s If yk yk. Each block got its history all love to my case 400 niggas Akorn boyzz it gentrified over dere too but issa new gen we not gone speak onnat doe and my village boys 69

Yea nigga im from the Murder Dubbs 25th to E24th Kash Block e2400 !

All love to 28 avenuesss dont disrespect foe u get check'D!

by Kash2400BlockHugger December 24, 2023

Unattempted Murder

A murder of a fellow human being that has not been attempted, as opposed to attempted murder which did happen.

"Your honor, if I may speak, that was not a threat that I made, but rather a murder that would not be attempted out of respect for the law. An unattempted murder if you will."

by Weweresupposedtogetmarried August 18, 2023

murder boy

a type of boy where, if you heard that they had murdered someone, you wouldn’t be surprised

A: Did you hear that Greg got arrested?

B: I’m not surprised, I knew him in high school and he was such a murder boy

by nowherenohownobody December 22, 2020

Getting kids murdered

No. I'll complain all I want. But hey...

Hym "Stop getting kids murdered. You stop THAT and then I'll just keep doing whatever I feel like doing. Because I've gotten 0 kids murdered. I'm being ignored and am, therefore, not responsible for anything. YOU are being listened to and when YOU are listened to children are murdered in direct response to the things you say."

by Hym Iam September 9, 2023

Murder Addicts

Serial Killers and/or people who are addicted to the thought, feeling, and/or action of killing in general. Whether that may be done by “homicide by cop” which WILL be impossible, hands on homicide, and/or assisted suicide/homicide.

“Oh look at him…. he’s always gossiping with groups of people and his friend about people they don’t like ALLLL THE TIME, such murder addicts.”

“Oh look at her…. she’s always gossiping with groups of people and her friend about people they don’t like ALLLL THE TIME, such murder addicts.”

by HotLavaBoi December 6, 2022

Murder in a fuck box

Murder in a fuck box

1. Term for extreme rough sex.

2. Anything you buy at KFC that comes in a box.

Hey skeeter what are we doing tonight?

Well betty lou, it's gonna be murder in a fuck box tonight. Get the 39 gallon drum of lube.


Hey Jethro how was your date last night?

Dude she was murder in a fuck box. My balls are still sore.


Welcome to KFC what can I get you?

Yes I'll have the Murder in a Fuck Box please.

You want a side of cole slaw?

by Vananono September 8, 2017

Murder spaghetti

A venomous snake

Often refering to a very active one.

"Oh god, I think I can see some murder spaghetti!"

"I'm running as fast as I can! How is this murder spaghetti catching up with me, it doesn't even have legs!"

"If you get bitten by a murder spaghetti you're doomed."

by SleepyNotes March 3, 2021