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concept of a plan

An idea or mental representation of what the plan would be. It involves a state of deep, pretentious thinking over what you will plan of. Coined by Donald Trump.

Person 1: Hey! Where are we going off to today?
Person 2: I have a concept of a plan.
Person 1: You sure you're still not under the influence?

by repufolklore February 3, 2025

Wolf Plan

1. a method of dealing with arrogant people whereby they are abandoned and must deal with the consequences of their actions alone.

1. the act of leaving an arrogant person behind.

"the wolf plan should only be used as a last resort"


"they wolf planned the annoying ranger"

by Ayaenai January 5, 2024

four hour plan

When you see someone's text but you want them to think you have no interest in responding, when really you just want to make them wait. So after four hours has passed you finally respond.

She wouldn't work my shift for me, so when she asked me to work for her- I put her on a four hour plan, then said no.

by santababygrinch December 13, 2013

Millennial Retirement Plan

Millennials, having grown up in End Stage Capitalism and having no real savings or hopes for Social Security payments, though having paid into it already for upto 20 years, expect that in their retirement years will see Capitalism finally collapse.

The Millennial expectation is that Mad Max and Idiocracy will hate fuck and have a baby, that baby is the Millennial Retirement Plan.

by Zyvis X November 20, 2022

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Four Week Plan

A plan used when first starting to date another person. It entails reaching first base in the first week, second base in the second, third base in the third week, and finally getting it in after four weeks.

Steven: Hey Gerald! Have you gotten it in yet with your new girlfriend?

Gerald: Not yet man, I got to second base last night... But don't worry I got her on the four week plan.

Steven: Nice, Gerald!!!

by olga patacki November 4, 2009

El Plan

a *slightly* racist person

"Have you heard about those comments that charles made? He's such an El Plan"

by Ewan David Walker October 2, 2023

The Zero Mortal Plan

The Zero Mortal Plan is the way Zamasu and Goku Black will kill all mortals in order to create an utopia, a world with nothing more than immortal beings.

"The Zero Mortal Plan starts today!"

by TheRealGogeta February 18, 2024