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Pocket vagina

A female who acts as sexual entertainment for a man via text.

She would never have sex with him but was okay to be his pocket vagina.

by Manhattan Wayne December 16, 2016

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Hot Pocketing

The act of engaging in juicy intercourse with a hot pocket. A viral trend of 2014

"Hot Pocketing"

A New Hampshire twitter user @VERSACEPOPTARTS became famous for fornicating with a warmed up hot pocket. He later posted this shaningan on the app Vine. He was later suspended from Vine and Twitter, he was also blocked by Hot Pockets official twitter page.

He was asked for his input, he responded.....
"You can suspend by Vine, but you can't change the fact that I fucked a hot pocket."

by ChronicPineapple March 4, 2014

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Poo Pocket

when your at a party and you take advantage of a drunk person by hanging a big shit in their pocket. You have to wait till they're fully shit faced so they don't even notice.

"man i was mad maggoted last night, i can't remember a thing!"
"i'll say, your still wearing the clothes you had on last night"
"sigh, the mistery of the mind. i wonder what i did last night"
in bruces thought he puts his hands in his pockets and then pulls them out just as quick to reveal his hands covered in a brown substance
"what the hell is this shit!"
"thats what it is man...SHIT! someones given you a poo pocket! hahah poopoo pockets. hey everyone check it out, Bruce has poopoo pockets hahaha
Bruce runs like a girl to his room and cries into his pillow
"man if i were you i wouldn't be on my bed crying, id be getting those bloody pants off me and hoping into the shower. you have someone elses shit in your pockets for christ sake!"

by Misphit_Aus October 4, 2006

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Pocket Rocket

A small yet potent joint that can fit in your pocket and get you high as a rocket.

"me and my boys finna spark a pocket rocket before hitting the club"

by pockyrocky November 4, 2018

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Lady Pocket

The polite term for a lades vagina.

I met this girl last night and I lost my watch in her lady pocket.

by Dr_Appleseed April 12, 2013

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pocket bukkake

multiple males bashing the bishop from the confines of their pockets so forcefully that it penetrates the trousers engulfing the unsuspecting women... bukkake delight

"Me and the lads were at samantha's house and got her mum in a suprise game of pocket bukkake! BOO YAH!"

by Steven James Jones Johnson III March 17, 2008

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hip pocket

A short informal period of instruction. Given on the spur of the moment. Corrects a deficiency.

The intent of this hip pocket class is not to make you all qualified to teach at a formal school.
Rather, it’s intent is to give you the skills to so that you can teach in a professional manner during these types of situations.

by ViperX24 January 28, 2015

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