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jazz run

That one run that you do in marching band and colorguard that is literally the worst fucking thing you do in your life

Evan said we had to do a jazz run because I’ve gotta book it from the 40 to the 40

by Lloud March 18, 2022

Nigga run

Running so fast that ain’t nobody gon catch you

“Ay yo, that mufucka look like he gettin chased by the feds. This mans doin tha nigga run!”

by Way_to_go_paul February 28, 2022

Balrog Run

A Balrog Run is to go to a predefined area of interest to search for an unkown person or object. This phrase was originally coined by the youtube channel, worldoftheorange.

Ex. 1

Me: "Harry Potter sure does have a shitty time finding horcruxes."
Friend: "Yeah. The last three movies are just one big balrog run."
Ex. 2
Person 1: "I saw this really hot girl walking between classes the other day. I haven't seen her since though."
Person 2: "Then I guess its time for you to go on a balrog run."

by WOTO fan July 15, 2012

running aaron's

Colloquialism for running errands. Not to be mistaken for running with the Pokemon Aron (National Dex #304).

Hey bro you gonna make it in to the gym today?

Nah man. I'm gonna be running aaron's this afternoon

by Señor Coach February 4, 2021

scum run

A scum run is going out drinking in pubs in rural areas of a town or city and getting extremely drunk with the locals.

For example Dale Pickford likes to go on a scum run down Waterloo Road and loves going in the The Dog and Partridge pub!

by TheConcaver December 31, 2015

run a g

To "run a g" on a girl is to gangbang her or to run a train on her.

My nig, we ran a G on that lil red bitch yesterday.

by DEKE April 9, 2005

33👍 14👎

Budweiser Runs

The shits that occur after drinking everyones favorite beer, Budweiser.

"Man, last night was awesome, but this morning the Budweiser Runs hit me hard"

by Nameless Ass Exploder May 25, 2006

39👍 18👎