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Skank flip

A term used when a trashy girl does a backflip on to a man's penis

Bob: bro that chick i hooked up with so gave me a skank flip
Jim: bro noice

by Badman98 October 3, 2016

sugar skank

older woman who steals yonger men from a marriage and or relatonship by luring him in with her money

that woman is such a sugar skank for sleeping with billy

by good girl 2001 November 25, 2012

skank monger

a male who only associates and/or has sexual intercourse with skanks. Most often the skank monger is a lowlevel child/man who refuses to grow up and can only find females with a similar case of arrested development to have sex with.
The male in question is most often a sad case himself; a wannabe musician,actor or skateboarder who cant keep a job and has a bad drug habit that he cant afford.
similar to a skank yanker or fish monger in that both the skank yanker and fish mongers both smell of rotten meat, weather it be of the dirty skank vagina or fish variety.

ex. "Omg, Matt Marsh only dates the skankiest hoes in town, he's such a skank monger!"

by Foebane October 10, 2013

Skank swoop

When a single woman lets a married/taken man bleed his heart out about all the things he is not getting at home. Then waits for his weakest point and swoops in and offers up a sexual act.

My husband and I have been having a rough time, I caught him talking to another girl online and she totally attempted to skank swoop him by inviting him to her hotel room.

by Wiserants December 1, 2016

skank request

A random friend request on a social networking site from a person one has no connection to whatsoever that is obviously from some sort of street person/prostitute/escort/stripper/other-equally-sad-person-with-Daddy-issues. Skank requests are a solicitation to "money for favors" arrangments or pornography.

Every time I log in on Facebook I'm assaulted with half a dozen new skank requests.

by otto z. obskure August 11, 2010

Skank Squatter

Someone who sleeps with a person and then won't leave the house.

"That skank squatter fucked me the other night and now i cant get her to leave."

by Scrotal Torsion July 29, 2021

Skank lip

Skank lip is a insult used agains pepole who suck alot of dick

Back off skank lip dont touch me

by kgbvbg March 8, 2018