A man who can be a bit of a cut muscle and is usually into bestiality specifically donkeys
I don't like that cunt muscle Jim Fine, did you know he's into bestiality?
she is not feeling good (mentally and/or physically) and thinks you (S.O.) might tell her "I know you're not baby, what's wrong?" we may not tell you and might get annoyed if you keep asking but we may eventually tell you but we take your caring words to heart and it usually makes us feel better.
(S.O.): Hey, how are you love?
girl: I'm fine wbu
(S.O.): I know you're not baby, what's wrong?
girl: (explains problem)
(S.O.): Hey, how are you love?
girl: I'm fine wbu
(S.O.): I know you're not baby, what's wrong?
girl: You're right but I'm getting through it, thank you
(S.O.): Of course, let me know if you need ANYTHING
no, no it's not. My life is falling apart.
please help me
It's fine.
Expression of unwillingness, boredom, or tiredness to to something upon request. Can be used randomly during conversations as long as you stress on the "UGH" and make the N in "fine" last much longer than needed, which should sound like: "UGH fiiiiinnnnnneeeeeuh". The origin of this phrase.. well, okay- so, typically on the "Hub" before the storyline has a twist and switches to the juicy part of the video, the main actor in the video says this phrase. The use of this phrase isn't meant as a reference to this, but when said and pronounced correctly by males it can make them sound gay in a humorous, joking way.
Person 1: but after it started to rain at the game everyone had to-
Person 2: ugh fine
Person 1: bro what💀💀
To express utter laziness or unwillingness to do something; complete a task/job. Can be said in a zesty/gay voice to enhance the feeling you are trying to express by stressing the “gh” part in “ugh” and “ine” in “fine”
Should sound something like “uGHHHH FIIIINNNNEEEEUUUHH”. Can also be randomly said in conversations for literally no reason, or to be used in a humorous way.
Where does this phrase come from you may ask? Well, usually on ⬛️🟧 before the actor starts to give head, they make a sarcastic “ugh fine” statement before to make it seem like they dont really want to do it, but then they proceed to do it anyways.
Do you know where the bathrooms are?
“ugh fine”
Bro tf..?
im not fine, but im scared to tell you how i really feel.
“im so sorry, you know i dont mean it.”
“its fine.”
"Tots" means totally. So when someone says they're tots fine, they're saying they're totally fine.
Kunikida: You just got stabbed..are you alright?
Dazai: I'm tots fine!