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The one who asked

He's constanting running, he omnipotent, faster than the constep of speed.

Person 1: Who the fuck asked, you bitch
The one who asked: i did

by The one who didn't ask December 15, 2022

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who's all coming?

An improper way of asking who will be coming in entirety.

who's all coming? I need to know how much pizza to get.

by Hubbz April 5, 2018

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who fucking cares

A more strong and vulgar term compared to "no one cares". If someone says this to you, you better shut the fuck up.

Person 1: Do you know how old is that waiter over there? Lemme tell you, its...
Person 2: Who fucking cares? I don't.

by someone out there who is bored April 14, 2022

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Who's the 'I' in that sentence?

figure of speech, a response expressing genuine or mock disbelief toward something admitted by the previous speaker

Felix: "I can''t meet up; I've got plans to watch Glee with my girlfriend."

Ben: "Who's the 'I' in that sentence?"

Felix: "Who's the...uh...me...it's me."

Ben: "Really?"


Dude: "I think I wanna volunteer in New Orleans this spring break."

Bro: "Who's the 'I' in that sentence?"

Dude: "You're right. We should just get drunk in Mexico again."

by pwinz May 5, 2010

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Who be my daddy?

A phrase often directed by small black children to their unwed mother when they see an older black man with family, wife and children.

"Who my daddy? Who be my Daddy?" said little Quimquamquavia to her mother at the playground on the project's property.

"Hush, Quim, I'm tryin' to rememba. It's one out of ten, I am sure! It was at night, and I don't think I saw his face. We were playing a game at a party called pimp and ho; I was 11."

by Richard Black May 6, 2005

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Who tryin fuhht?!?!

A pick up line often said by males from Southern New Jersey.
"Who would like to have sexual intercourse?"
This line can also be used by females.

M.J. walked into the party & immediately saw four potential wives & barked "Who tryin fuhht?!?!"

by Rage'rian November 5, 2007

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who are dem mandems

Often a large group of youths, used by many gangstas in the maplesden noakes school

who are dem mandems

by zachface December 14, 2007

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