A whiny and suicidal pissbaby with raging mommy issues.
Also believes that he is a scientist.
"Doctor Xur is a real pain in the ass to deal with on a daily basis."
really cool like super epic and awesome
doctor king schultz sucked my toes
someone who is exceptionally skilled in oral sex
your wife is a real mouth doctor
A doctor who works on the spirit part of your body.
For example imagine you unfortunately got hit by a train your body would go splat but your soul would be beside the material or maybe even disbanded around it until it the train was finished moving over that particular area of ground
At that point your soul would repiece and you would be gazing at yourself waiting for your elders to whom ever to come take you to your next zone.
Anyway that spirit is the part of your body that the spirit doctor would preform his practice on.
Although to you it would appear as if he was preforming his work on the vessel.
1)A half Asian, half White male who doesn't mind doing whatever he wants. Also a Reverend Doctor Fletcher Shmoove uses phrases similar to "Fuck You!", "What are you, stupid?", or "God...damn."
2)Writer of the song "Toby (I'm So Sorry)"
1) Tyler: Yo Reverend Doctor Fletcher Shmoove, you're Asian, right"
Reverend Doctor Fletcher Shmoove: What are you, stupid?
2) Reverend Doctor Fletcher Shmoove- "Toby, I am so sorry. And Jahlani, is sitting next to yoooooooouu."
The profession of checking a males anal cavities for space crabs by placing his nose inside the butthole.
Did you go see Jj Anal Doctor yesterday?
Ya I have space crabs