A pie in which you stick a plastic horse or pony figurine to celebrate a friend's birthday. Especially used if the figurine is Pinky Pie or is wearing a party hat.
We were too broke for candles this year and the store was out of cakes so we got him a party pony pie instead to celebrate in style!
Noun: The ranting of a senile man.
Noun: a hooker that snorts coke off your finger lakes tattoo.
Hunter Biden went to twin on that one horse pony.
Another way of saying One Hit Wonder, an artist known for only one song and nothing else.
Crazy Town is a famous one track pony with that song "Butterfly" in the early 2000s
Something stupid Patrick made up.
"Tire swing pony things exist"
- says stupid people
-says stupid people
1👍 2👎
An issue that one pretends it doesn’t exist. Tension between people.
Let’s address the pink pony in the room.
To wreck or destroy someones hopes or dreams.
To make one loose his train of thought.
Dude! You crashed my pony!
Ha! I crashed your pony!
Essex Polo is a team sport, in which the objective is to score a "goal" against an opposing mates girlfriend or boyfriend.
Players score by trying to sleep with opposing team's girlfriend The modern game is played in pubs and clubs - the term 'polo pony' is used when someone wins the game and the person being slept with becomes the
That's David, his girlfriend like's sports, she's a right essex polo pony