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what the fail

when witnessing a failure in which you are confused as to how the failure happened or came to be.

colleen: OMG Brian did you just see what happened to that guy.
Brian: NO! OMG what the fail!?

by bricol7000 September 20, 2008

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What the Effie?

A what the fuck moment, At best getting pictures of a ugly naked girl.

What the Effie?

by ha69 November 22, 2010

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what a tab

a trick ass bitch

"did you hear katie talking shit about me?"
"yea...what a tab"

by syrupppp10 November 16, 2016

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What is life

Top 10 questions scientists can't explain

What is life?

by Random Megalodon August 26, 2018

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What the nut

When something goes extremely gay or wrong or some shocking happens

Did you see jerel eat ass."what the nutt"

by Apegang September 27, 2017

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when your mom gets mad at you for saying what the freak or what the frik,u say what the frak???

what the freak??? ur mom says...Harold Cornelious! would you watch your MOUTH????? u say... sorry! what the frak???

by poopie in yo pantelone's March 25, 2010

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whats happnin

1) a question when one is curious about what is going on around him.

2)A popular greeting greating used instead of "hello".

3) A state of confusion when used in a situation where both definitions intertwine.
eg. when you have just met someone whom you know and who may be curious about a situation or the goings on around you.

1) whats happnin here then lads?

2) whats happnin man!

3) person 1: "whats happnin"

person 2: "whats happnin man"

person 1: "naw, whats actualy happnin"

person 2: "do you mean 'whats happnin' as in 'whats
happnin'or 'whats happnin' as in whats
actualy happnin?"

person 1: "I dunni even ken any mare man, I'm fuckin
lost, lets just roll a jeeber."

by McKean January 22, 2007

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