Something that is beyond real.
It’s code real!
Dayum! Did that just happen?
That shit was code real!
The act of not standing by the truth and acknowledging ones actions due to a feeling of betraying the white race
School shootings, mass shootings, police shooting innocents and racist figures of speech-white codes
Racist by association
Computer code that was made entirely by hand with no assistance from AI, or other automated means.
No, I won't use ChatGPT. I actually enjoy writing artisanal code
To use Creator Code: "not_jelo" in the Fortnite Item Shop 😎
Guy 1: Hey bro what creator code are you using?
Guy 2: Oh, I'm using Code not_jelo bro.
A modern synonym for "code smell" that is 1) more awesome and 2) less digusting.
Overly large classes are a code omen.
A number sequence or symbol code to secretly tell someone you like them or express your feelings without anyone knowing
A: hey what is 14225.2733?
B: Oh it’s just love codes
A: what does it mean?
B: the number is for how many letters there is in a word. 14225.2733 means “I want to be loved. So fucking bad bro”