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Andre is a poor bitch that take everyone food during lunch but seems to be chill most of the time

Andre heres some food for you poor ass

by FatbichXD October 16, 2019


Andres is the type of person that will support you as a friend, bestfriend, or as your boyfriend, if you meet andres hes really cool to hang out with he likes sports and sometimes hes rude but if you ever meet an andres you will not regret it at all because he is an amazing person and he is really fun. Having andres as a friend, bestfriend(btf), or boyfriend will be the best thing to do and youll be the happiest person if you get to meet him.

Andres kuuuu

by Lizzy.g April 29, 2018


A stupid dumb meanie bitch face

Wow that Andres is such a dumb meanie bitch face

by Spikynotspikey November 24, 2021


(White Andre) Big nose mothafuka, drip with no looks. Usually drives a badass trail blazer. Devotes his life and employee to to McDonald’s. Would rather make friends than enemies. Could fuck but holds out for right girl.

Your a fucking bitch Andre

by Andre2105 August 5, 2021


Priests cry at the sight of an Andre. One of the many forms of the devil. Abit of a dick but a kind dick. If an Andre is ever encountered, DO NOT let them into your life as they will make your life literal hell with jokes that make youquestion wether you yourself will go to hell. Throwing coins at an Andre will distract him as the sight of coins in his wallet enrages him. If you do however let one into your life be sure to keep in their good graces by pointing out stuffed penguins and memes but like a gremlin, DO NOT get an Andre wet after midnight. Keeping an Andre has its advantages as they will be willing to do anything for those he is loyal to.

Oh shit its an Andre! Quick use the coins!

by PrometheusSky November 23, 2021


Andres is typically a Simp, one who when single hangs out with the boys and I'd all about the party. Problem is that it doesn't happen often as he falls in love once a month them goes into SIMP hibernation where you never hear from again.

Friend 1: Should we try and invite Andres?
Friend 2: Remember we don't have his number anymore as he is in full Andres mode of being a SIMP.

by Johnnycash15 October 12, 2020


Has a sexy mustache typically wears glasses still a virgin likes to wear all colors of shirts used to stutter lost the super to red on will now has wavy hair likes mom jeans but only when someone else is wearing them and is typically know as that one kid and likes to do stuff sometimes

Hey do you know that one kid?

You mean andres yeah

by Lil error April 16, 2019