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Baked Like a Potato

Being under the heavy influence of weed while being Irish. Irish people have the uncanny ability to relate everything back to a potato.

I'm so baked Like a Potato

by Dan The Destroyer March 12, 2015

baked bean mentality

when your annoyed at annoying people

will u shut up your so annoying

yo man stop having a baked bean mentality

by bakedbeancough69 March 24, 2022

Bake a Hot Loaf

To brew up and take massive shit.

I’m going to be late for work today cause imma bout to bake a hot loaf.

by Eaton Holgoode May 28, 2018

Bake n' Flake


1. to be invited to smoke marijuana with friends, then once immediately done smoking the joint, blunt, or bowl, you leave the group who invited you and try not to hang out.

Max: you come smoke this joint with us bro
Bro: fa'sho mane... be there in a min
*max and his bro smoke the jay together*
Bro: yo max, i'm bout to dip
Max: wtf bro you just got here, you bout to bake n' flake on me?

by franalpo November 2, 2009

shake and bake

Verb When one player in any game gets put on a different team than their friends. They then betray their team as much as possible by (in videogames) killing them or (in real life) giving away information in games like Hide n Go seek, or holding them down in Dogeball.

((Playing Videogames))
Alex: Damn! I got put on blue team!!!
Johnothan: Dude Shake and Bake!
Alex: Hahaha sounds good.

by kiD_nogarD October 29, 2007

8πŸ‘ 52πŸ‘Ž

Baked af

Exhausted from working out, tired

Dude that basketball game got me baked af

by Scott679 April 25, 2019

2πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Baked Brown Log

Used when final retribution is required.

"Baked Brown Log" is the act of taking a cookie sheet and expelling everything that exists in your bowels onto it and then putting it in the oven at a medium high heat. Then you leave it to bake and fill the house with an aroma that is comparible to a sewage treatment plant on a hot summer's day.

My bitch cheated on me so I left her a BAKED BROWN LOG in the oven cooking for her.

by Canadavey May 5, 2007

12πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž