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catch the devil's bouquet

An instance where you think someone is waving to you, when they're actually waving to someone else or someone behind you. Can also apply to other greetings like "hi."

I was at the store yesterday and caught the devil's bouquet. I was so embarrassed.

catch the devil's bouquet

by Bairgh O L'Gharigh July 2, 2019

catch a bus

towards someone that’s annoying or that you don’t like - created by Katie

“Did u see stacys recent?”

Ughh that garden tool can go catch a bus”

by frownuponme October 22, 2017

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Catching up on sleep

To masturbate. An excuse to tell your roommates when you are going to go masturbate so they think you are going to bed.

Tyler- "Hey guys I think I'm going to go to bed early to catch up on sleep"
Matt- "Tyler are you going to masturbate?"
Tyler- "Noooooo...." (Sarcastic)
Matt- "OH! you're not Catching up on sleep! You're masturbating!"

by uccstrackman December 8, 2010

9👍 10👎

Catch Wreck

There are two meanings to 'catching wreck'.

1. Getting beat up.

2.Boosting or stealing clothes and getting away with it, almost like coming up on a pot of gold.

1. Son 'caught wreck' yesterday after school. Son is mad hurt today.

1. Son is going to catch wrek after school today.

2 Son caught wreck out at the Polo Mansion yesterday, came up with mad Polo shirts.

2. Son is going to catch wreck at the Polo Mansion today.

by catch wreck September 14, 2012

10👍 186👎

Catch you on the flip.

Catch you later.
Invented by Mike Regis

A: I have to go
B: Alright, I'll catch you on the flip.

by RSTAR October 23, 2014

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catch some z's

to capture Russian soldiers as POWs

I'm going to catch some z's before I go to work.

by J Random Hacker August 25, 2022

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Catching the crazy turkey

An Innuendo for sex that starts with a bottle of wild turkey ends in a bedroom and somewhere in between a chicken is killed. Term invented by James Ryan Haywood of Rooster teeth / Achievement Hunter.

We all know where you've been, you've been catching the crazy turkey in Lindsay's bed.

by Mr. Damien Bane December 13, 2014

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