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lauren and chloe

Lauren and Chloe are two of the bhaddes bitties out there. They are some of the craziest people this world has ever seen but also some of the coolest people the world has needed. If you ever find a duo like this you know you’re set for life, even if they may seem a little sketchy at first.

Person 1: Hey, did you guys hear about lauren and chloe?

Person 2: YEAH MAN! They are some crazy chicks!!

by krunner May 4, 2020

Chloe norrie

Fat ass

Being defined Chloe norrie

by Ass pics August 18, 2018

Chloe Walsh

Chloe walsh is a person who plays roblox a lot. She likes to play roblox with her friends and has only ever once had a real man. She's really smart and always has her grades up. She is the type of person that you would want to be friends with.

"whos that?"
"That's Chloe Walsh! She's rly cool"

by March 2, 2021

chloe and angelina

two really pretty girls who have fights every day but still love each other over anything.

p:hey look its chloe and Angelina!

p: they are perfect friends!

by not.herr June 10, 2023

chloe yang

Looks can be deceiving. Although this person looks innocent, she is dirty on the inside. chloe yangs are another one of those slow typers as they were born many years before a keyboard was invented. chloe yangs usually have a superpower which is the ability to disappear for hours without leaving a trace

that person is such a nice person, she must be a chloe yang!

by man ual June 17, 2020

Chloe McCann

the most wonderful BAKA in the world, she is sooooo precious but will most definitely emotionally cheat on you with gregg, you can earn back her trust with a zigzagoon

chloe mccann is soooo BAKA

by Noopsisabaka April 11, 2021

chloe barwell

chloe barbell is a meme and a half always funny and has a fiery side and nerdy but in the cool way she is a total freak in a good way and you DONT want to cross her love animals but hates most human interaction!

Any:She’s insane

Alisha: no she’s a chloe barwell

by Clapping July 5, 2019