Dead Memes, unlike Dank Memes or even Normie Memes, are memes known to have been not used for many years by mainstream Dank Meme Culture. Often killed by Normies, these memes are at the bottom of the barrel. Think of it this way - Dank Meme ---> Mainstream Meme ---> Normie Meme ---> Dead Meme. Examples include trollface, Stuff Things Stuff, Clean All The Things, and Rage Comics.
Memer - Bro, check out this Dank Meme.
Normie - Nah dude, that meme sucks ass. Check out this meme.
Memer - What the fuck is that dead meme? You normie piece of shit.
19๐ 6๐
a dead letter is a letter that has never been delivered because the person to whom it was written cannot be found, and it also cannot be returned to the person who wrote it
if u send a letter and the person dont get it and u dont get it back
18๐ 6๐
When a conversation on the internet or phone goes silent because both people have nothing to say and neither tries any conversation starters.
"How is your girlfriend doing?"
"She's good."
"Oh that's good."
"Dead convo?"
"Sure thing."
9๐ 2๐
Someone (male or female) that is so bad at sex you may as well be fucking a corpse, although a corpse may sometimes be more lively. These types are usually fairly easy to spot by the lack of personality. They are usually followers.
Female dead lays: from beginning to end, she just lays there, no expression or movement, unless it's that of boredom. You may want to check in between to see if she's awake. ;)
Male dead lays: Usually those that are too lazy to put any effort into it. Kinda like a quickie, but with only one person putting any effort into it. Most "nice guys" fit into this category.
81๐ 39๐
formerly dead-s meaning dead serious. the ghetto form of dead serious is dead-s, which is not used anymore. less stress is used wen saying the word dead-ass so it has replaced dead-s.
p1: yo, homie, im gettin ass from jennifer tonite!
p2: u dead-ass?
p1: YEA!
149๐ 80๐
in the salvage trade a dead horse is something you got for little or nothing because the former owner really wanted to get rid of it. a pallet of computer monitors the bank gave away is a dead horse. the trick is to sell the best parts as horse meat, the not so best parts as dog food,and give the rest away before it starts to stink and you have to pay to dispose of it. making money on dead horses is a skill that takes years to learn.
old computer parts,old computer monitors(disposal costs), paint (disposal costs), anything that you have to pay to get rid of. i got a load of paint for $1 a can. i hope the paint is useable, or that dead horse will really stink.
91๐ 46๐
The Hour between 3 am and 4 am. Called this because this is the time that the most people die in their sleep in hospitals. Significant because this is also the time that people are generally sleeping deepest, so things are quietest.
The robbers chose to wait till the dead hour to break into the store, because there would be no-one to see them, and no-one would wake up.
116๐ 61๐