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Douche Chill

1. A feeling of strong embarrasement for and verbal or physical act someone else has preformed.

1-a . Feeling the need to look away from an embarrasing moment on TV.

1-b. The experience you receive when your coworker allways says the wrong thing in an attempt to be funny.

2- Also reffered to as a D.C., so as not to offend the person making the akward comment or statement.

A: Watching Taylor Hicks attempt to kick over a microphone stand on american idol, I shivered as a douche chill washed over me.

B: The feeling received from viewing any of the MTV reality shows.

by chrispyr September 20, 2006

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dingle douche

Combination of dingleberry and douchebag. Used to describe someone who is incredibly 1.) ignorant 2.) annoying 3.) stupid to the degree of deserving death by mutilation.

A dingle douche fucks up everything he touches and can do nothing correctly. Those around him wonder how he even knows to wipe his own anus hole after shitting.

"John is such a dingle douche, he can't find his own dick with a GPS"

by Wicked665 July 22, 2006

35👍 11👎

douche kit

someone who has surpassed being a douche bag; no longer just the bag, but the entire kit.

He's such a douche kit, playing his girl like that.

by fucktreesiclimbbouysmotherfuck December 31, 2010


1. When a person approaches a conversation between two or more people and interrupts with an extremely stupid and irrelevant comment.

noun: Interdouche

Friend A: "So I was totally digging this dude at the party last night."

Friend B: "Really, I think he was checking you out to"

ID: "Yea, that was totally rad"

Friend B: "That tard was totally just inter-douching"

by tbone33126 May 27, 2010

Bulldog douche

a certain variety of young white person who hangs out at bars often named "Bulldog" or "Bulldog's" or some similar variation. A Bulldog douche invariably presents a bland façade and a distinct lack of curiosity about anyone even slightly dissimilar to him-or-herself. The Bulldog douche is for the most part humorless, except when participating in the jocular restating of inside jokes. For Bulldog douches, people of another age, race, or socio-economic class are invisible, except when they are participating in social justice projects, which they do with much passion and self-righteousness. The Bulldog douche has a very bright future, and the glare coming off it can obscure almost anything a Bulldog douche does not, or cannot, see.

There's no way in hell I am going out with you to The Bulldog and hanging out with all those Bulldog douches!

by vedaslade March 25, 2010

Douche Gauntlet

The long pathway you must encounter in certain social setings that is chock full of douchebags who all have some sort of witty comment fueled by either liquid courage or the delight they find in eachother's company.

This is mainly experienced by younger, more attractive girls who have to walk past a crowd that is typically all males dressed very similarly, drinking the trendy drink of the week and being extra single and alone.

Kendra- "The worst part of being a cocktail waitress is having to run the Douche Gauntlet every time I pick up a round of drinks from the well."

Trina- "Oh, I know .. . . . try making your way to the bathroom past all of the ass hats"

by KK Vegas August 2, 2010

douche leash

The leashes worn on the sunglasses of a frat boy or douche bag. Commonly complemented by above-the-knee plaid shorts, a polo shirt that is too small, and sandals or boat shoes - frat gear. The doucheness is compounded when worn at night.

It's 10 o'clock at night and that frat boy is sporting sunglasses with a neon green douche leash.

by trinalise November 26, 2011