Cumulative stupidity resulting from a potent combination of unjustified entitlement, middling to low IQ, constant unchecked proximity to other vapid airheads, forced upward inflection, and the mistaken feelings of contribution despite providing little to no actual value to society observed exclusively in condescending coastal California dwellers.
Did you hear Rhett ask the whole crew to Google how much 23 grams of Carbon weighs and nobody caught it? God, they're all so California dumb.
To make it easier to understand a phrase.
Could you dumb it out for me? It doesn't make sense.
1. Any supporter of Donald trump
“Trump supporter: Obama had a big part in 9/11... not being around, always on vacation, never in the office
Reporter: why do you think Obama wasn’t in the Oval Office on 9/11?
Trump supporter: That I don’t know, I’d like to get to the bottom of that”
Narration: Trump supporters are actually and obviously clueless and dumb
Named for Patient Zero, this illness was first discovered in Washington DC in 2011. Categorized as a special kind of stupid, this malady directly affects the IQ and causes it to drop to under 60 points. Symptoms include feigning expertise on an unfamiliar subject and the ability to verbalize nonsense.
That idiot has a clear case of Rand Dumb.