music genre that has being around for a long time but wasn't mainstream/known for all ppl till MTV start putting it on the spot... Of course not the real emo music just a *light* version... Let's be honest we all gotta admit that this has become a trend, emo ppl try so hard to make themselves look unique on pages like myspace or vampirefreaks... but in the end you're pretty much of the same. Emo trend is so full with cliches like haircut, cutting your wrists (not all), whining about ur life, being bisexual... like really how many have I read "I'm bisexual deal with that" yeah right like if not most of emo kids are "bisexual" or have kiss another guy... you're not being unique, special, individualist or rebelliuos you're just pretty much being part of a big trend just like Punk was a coupple years ago.. and emo haters stop it, there's no point on talking crap about a "trend" bcus emo is that just a trend, in the end it'll go away and there'll be left only the ppl that where there from day #1 and rest of them will move on to the next trend until day actually grew up
*Emo thinking and pretty much all of teenage logic*:
I'm a teenager therefore I have to express how unique I am by dressing just like everyone else...
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people/persons that dress gothic. some emos cut themselves on a regular basis, but for the most part just want to belong to a group.
"stacey is so emo, look at her wrists"
"hey now, she's just really depressed"
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a boss ass guy who wears tight jeans and black clothes
screamo emo
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Just a term for people that are emotional and like the type of music from back in the 80's
(By the way, punk is DEAD!)
Taking Back Sunday, Hawthorne Heights, Good Charlotte, MY cheMicAL roMaNcE., The Used, ect...
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emos lyk 2 fink of themselves s being indivduals and refer to themselve as scene they actually look exactly like each other... you can spot an emo by there inhabitation of middle class coffee bars such as starbucks or outside depressin the rest of the population or by the pool of blood comin 4rm the self harmin to get attention
emo girl"ur new hair cut is propa scene, you look sex i <3 u"
emo boy"i did it myself i didnt lyk my life so i took my hair as i representation of my self hatred"
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a largely reviled musical sub-genre that's a permutation of hardcore punk minus any inkling of testosterone. Has replaced Mexican accordian polka as the least tolerable music to most people. Hell, even Mexican polka has it's charm in a Mexican restaurant....
Dude, what smells? Is that some emo on the bottom of your Chucks from the dog park? Yep, I'll scrape it off.
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EMO equals Eat Me Out, a lesbian and/or homosexual act. (wiki says it all)
Collective Noun
People who don't give a shit about life
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