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Birth control method

Ahh babe let’s not have kids- go play fortnite

She never sees him again and he has now eternally Kept his virginity

by Shoot Adams kneecaps October 21, 2019


A game that a kid named lucas the virgin grinds the game but roasts it all the time and defends pub gay

hey wanna play fortnite and not ever get laid

by SEXY BOY MAN August 27, 2018


Fortnite is a gay baby game!

Swagger Fortnite is such a gay baby game, Yeet

by SirYeetly February 18, 2019


a game that real fucktards play

Me:YoU StIlL PlAy FoRtNiTe?
Me:YoUrE A FuCkTaRd

by Ps4 Name: Barce4life88 September 12, 2019


The game that girls really hate because it steals their boyfriends.

Oh come on! He is playing fortnite again!”

by juanpablitocarlito911 April 16, 2018


A game made by the developers of epic games. Also a game known for cringy “Fortnite kids”.

Person one: Fortnite is the best
Person two: Fortnite is cringe
Person one:naw your just mid 😐

by Fortnite god and Jesus April 11, 2022


A very messed up game that should be killed immediately.

A: "Yesterday I just got 3 wins in Fortnite..."
B: "Wait, do you hear something? IT'S I DONT GIVE A CRAP!"

by -R-A-D-O-N- September 2, 2019