Source Code

cancer music

Cancer music is something you fucking hear during minecraft tuto rials and shit it really is over used and needs to stop.

But srsly guys people die from cancr so stop it cancr is bad.

Gay: OMGET! ! the minecraft tutorial i saw is so good!!
Lesbian: Ya ik it has cancer music in it

by A_gay_man September 13, 2017

music fiend

1). An person who has a strong desire to do music.
2). Musician who eats, sleep, Sugar, Honey, Ice ,Tea Music.
3).an person who keep on top of every music song that was produce from country,hip-hop,R&B and many more genres.

Aw! him right there he a music fiend.

by DragonShippuden23 July 11, 2019

entourage music

When someone has a phone playing music from his or her pocket and you can't see where it's coming from so it seems like they have their own personal soundtrack following them like an entourage.

"Mary always has that entourage music going."
"You'd think she'd get some headphones."

by caffysupernova September 9, 2014

Music Munch

The act of dubbing music on to an unrelated video clip to make a music video that is both odd and or funny. These are usually posted on the internet at places like youtube and classified as comedy.

Did you see the latest heavy metal Muppets music munch on youtube the other day?

Or you could use the word like this. Hey, guess what the music munchers came up with now?

by Matimus Maximus August 18, 2007

Ear Music

When you sing a song in your head, stop, and swear you hear it playing in the background.

Person 1:Doo, doo, doo, doo, doo... doo.... dooooooooo!
Person 2: Please shut up.
Person 1: Fine.
Person 1: Did you just hear that?
Person 2: Hear what?
Person 1: The song I was singing I just heard it playing!
Person 2: Nah, that was just ear music

by Yurdaayeehoo November 30, 2010

Music class

living hell

"Man music class makes me wish that there were volcanoes here!"

by Coolquaza2009 December 20, 2021

high on music

When you're in the zone listening to your favorite music; without a care in the world. Ignoring the world

I sure am high on music right now.

by RavenVixenAzure November 21, 2017