Lacking text or rationalization. Crazy.
I dunno what happened officer...we were just drinking, then er’body got 2020.
That bitch be 2020.
The year we all expected to have a zombie apocalypse but were very disappointed
Person A: hey do you think 2020 will have an apocalypse?
Person B: nah.
This year went down in the history books as Haldor's year! 'Twas the year that he defied the laws of maths.
Remember when people thought 2012 was the year the world was gonna end?
The the month into 2020 when coronavirus hit the U.S. and everyone started buying toilet paper
It’s April 2020 ahhhhhh Can’t run out of toilet paper!!
Completely fucking ignore anyone named Bradley and flag on them every single day
Wow Shit it’s April 2020, can’t hang out with Bradley he is such a fucking deuchebag and I hate him
A word phrase used to describe something that may hold some truth, yet the time for that truth to remain valid has expired and therefore one using the word term would deem it null and void.
My friend of 20+ years just told us his REAL first name. I had no idea his middle name wasn't his first name. Our friend group agrees, his personality is totally aligned with his middle name, not his first name. While a lovely name, we "2020'd that".
Another example...
I went to the store for my curb side pick up order that I placed 1.5 hrs. ago because I received notification "my order was ready". However, upon arrival, the store front was black as night and totally closed. They adjusted their store hours to reflect the latest state mandated "Phased" social requirements. My bad for trying to support local businesses. 2020 that.