On the 365th day, on the 24th hour, the 59th minute, and the 59th second of 2020, as the clock strikes twelve, a gamma ray burst from a near by super nova will make a lucky strike, perfectly searing earth, killing everyone instantly.
The ball is dropping and all you can hear are shouts and chears. Anticipation fills the streets of Times Square. TEN! All eyes on One Times Square. NINE! The chearing amplifies EIGHT! All observers now synchronously counting to one SEVEN! The shouting continues... SIX! FIVE! FOUR! THREE! Everyone unanimously wanting the End of 2020! TWO! Impending doom! ONE! Boom. The last thing you see is a instant flash of red light... Then silence... The whole world immediately, filled with peace and tranquility. Thats how 2020 will end.
When a period of time feels like it lasted way longer than it actually did.
"Dude, the sonic movie came out this year"
"No way man. That's some 2020 time"
The the month into 2020 when coronavirus hit the U.S. and everyone started buying toilet paper
It’s April 2020 ahhhhhh Can’t run out of toilet paper!!
Completely fucking ignore anyone named Bradley and flag on them every single day
Wow Shit it’s April 2020, can’t hang out with Bradley he is such a fucking deuchebag and I hate him
A mental health disorder where the individual experiences PTSD symptoms that remind them of something that happened in 2020. Symptoms include depression, panic attacks, and tunnel vision.
Despite the Pandemic being in the past, the effects it caused gave him 2020 Syndrome.
The quarter that was updated for 2020 it quinceadently has a bat on it
Coin collector one:yo dawg got 2020 quarter coin collector two: dope
Situations that seem so ridiculous, they would fit right into 2020.
A: Did you hear? A real sharknado appeared in Haiti!
B: Yeah, thats some 2020 shit.