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Kevin is that one coworker who does nothing in his life aside from ask stupidly annoying questions about computers. And even if you do help him he responds with a stupid passive-agressive comment about millenials and gen z

Kevin: hOw aM I SuPPosEd tO kNoW tHe rEaL DownLOAD buttON?
You: *helps him*
Kevin: yEs WeLL iT dOES maKe seNsE YoU mILLenIals uNDERstAnd soMethIng ABout tHoSE cOmpuTerS yOU're AlwAYS On

by Smartass45 August 14, 2019

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An autistic short fat midget that true to be black when he isn't

We can get shot in the streets because of kevin

by Tacos4fun April 26, 2018

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A person who adores and protects any girl called jewel

dgrdharhaejae kevin

by gfgfjvghf March 9, 2017

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Probably a pedophile

Kevin likes to touch small children

by PussyMasterX July 24, 2018

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He a Hoe

Kevin likes to go wit more than one person at a time

by Boin February 27, 2019

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a total player with a small dick

never be a kevin chapa

by note sure what this is March 5, 2016

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A gay human being who enjoys spaghetti, that lives in a Ohio.

Im a Kevin

by Trollexe September 29, 2017

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