A phrase that Kentuckians enjoying saying.
For example, when a Kentuckian is explaining something: I mean, we were at the ranch, listening to Billy Ray Cyrus. You don't know who Billy Ray Cyrus is? Oh, he's a great country star and makes songs about people and, you know, stuff like that (said trailing off in that Kentucky drawl). Go Kentucky BLUE!
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Austin Powers' favorite movie.
"It's In Like Flint! That's my favorite movie!"
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In like Flynn" as opposed to "In like Flint"
Man! Get it right, or at least try. IN LIKE (Errol) Flynn? In like Flint is the movie play off of "IN LIKE FLYNN". When I was 13 I thought the same thing, but as it go's I'm into old sayings and I asked around. You know old people rock. And I have also found some other odd stuff you should know on the web that i did not know. All very cool. So this is it so far....
: : : "In like Flynn" as opposed to "In like Flynne"
: : : In Australia the phrase "In like Flynn" seems to be used to denote that one is well accepted into a particular group or culture or that one is safe or secure or that something is deeply and securely imbedded.
: : : The phrase seems to be linked to a famous Australian Presbyterian Clergyman and Missionary, the Very Reverend John Flynn (1880 to 1951). His fame is based on his work and involvement in developing the Royal Flying Doctor Service and the "Pedal Radio" in the late 1920's and early 1930's.
: : : His base of operations for much of his ministry was at (Australian Inland Mission) Alice Springs in Central Australia.
: : : John Flynn became a legend in his own life time and was widely known as "Flynn of the Inland"
: : : Because the town of Alice Springs is so geographically centrally located in Australia it is generally deemed not possible to get any further into the interior.
: : : Hence the phrase "in like Flynn" in an Australian context.
: : It would be interesting to know the source for this information. Eric Partridge ("A Dictionary of Catch Phrases," rev. ed., 1985) says of the same phrase that it "has two independent usages, the US and the Aus., although with much the same meaning." He says the original Flynn for the phrase as used in the US was Ed Flynn, a Democratic Party political boss in the Bronx; for the Aus. phrase, it was the actor Errol Flynn.
: Ooh. This deserves extra investigation. Errol Flynn was a famous, um, well, swordsman, and being "in" related to his success with seducing women. Hearsay - it's what I heard, and heard from people who read his biography. More investigation, please.
Partridge backs up that hearsay. More quotations from his "in like Flynn" entry: "The Aus. catchphrase emerged slightly later than the US one. It has been defined by G. A. Wilkes, 1978, as 'seizing an opportunity offered, especially sexual' in the 'Dictionary of Australian Colloquialisms' . . . Alexander Buzo Aus. playwright glosses it thus: 'Flynn, in like' (also 'in like Errol') refers to the athletic and sexual prowess of the late Australian-born actor Errol Flynn'."
In like Flynn" as opposed to "In like Flint"
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adj.-like a bitch..but not exactly. Having the characteristics and qualities of what the common person would refer to as a bitch.
"I like your cat, but she is kind of bitch-like."
"My girlfriend is acting bitch-like today."
12๐ 8๐
When you like someone's status/picture on FaceBook because they're 1) trying too hard, 2) desperate for attention, or 3) just weird and you want to be the one they save when they come to school with a sawed off shotgun.
Person 1: Dude, did you see Kayla's status she posted last night?
Person 2: Yeah, it was so dumb I had to give it a pity like.
7๐ 3๐
When you are talking to someone and they say something COMPLETELY random. you point ramdomly in any direction and say, "ur stupid,like that guy (points)"
Tim:Hey Fred
Tim:ur such a dumbass, ur like that guy!
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