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yarg muffins

The snowish heirs to the universe. They are packed with steroids and invisible bacon cheddar bits. Constantly snowing, never suspended and always delcicious when hungersy, plus seven.

-No! Im hungersy and they are delcicious, dont make me pwn you, noobie.

by Alex Pet. May 3, 2005

34๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž

ass muffin

a term of endearment. A term an ass master may call someone they consider a friend.

My little ass muffin is home.

by Megdolly January 16, 2007

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Scuffin Muffin

A girl with a bad body but a nice face.

You know that really fat girl? Her face is actually kind of nice. She's such a scuffin muffin.

by DaCoachJr July 31, 2009

13๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Wank Muffin

1) A juvenile (and British) term for someone who masturbates often.

2) A general derogatory term for someone who is disliked.

3) A delicious muffin product filled with a white and sticky fluid which is being called "semen", produced by the Wankโ„ข Corporation.

1) "Dude, you need to cut down on how much you masturbate, you fuckin' wank muffin."

2) "Shut the hell up, wank muffin."

3) "Wank Muffins. Now with 50% more semen!"

by Meik April 4, 2003

26๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

secks muffin

Noun1. a pimp that bakes

Noun2. a ghetto baker that gets chicks

Verb3. a prostitute that toasts bread

"Omg, the guy named J-Rick that works in the doughnut shop on garvey is a secks muffin."

by J-Rick Lu July 23, 2006

18๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

muffin man

A man that performs oral sex on a woman.

Susie seems to be glowing more than usual today. She must have been visited by the muffin man.

by itsjussme February 29, 2004

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Chubbin Muffin

Chubbin means to eat.


Muffin means to cup your hand around your anus when you fart and waft it towards your friends/enemy/innocent by-standers mouth/nose

when you put them together it literally means to eat a fart

Brandon:Dude did you just fart?
Gerald:*in the background cupping his hand and moving his fart towards Brandons face*
Brandon:WTF!!What are you doing Gerald?!?!
Gerald:*ROFLcopters*Umm...you'll see.
Brandon:*Gags*WTF dude you just made me chubb a muffin!!!

by AgG SP Ball3r August 24, 2005

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