Office terminology. When you have a mug exchange scheduled, but one of the participating members calls out of work that day or claims their mug hasn’t arrived in the mail yet. Therefore, postponing the mug exchange.
Lissett called out of work and left me with Mug exchange blue balls.
A hot beverage such as Coffee or Tea, usually in a mug, with an added ounce or two of some type of alcohol.
Ugh, I'm so tired; I wish I were drinking from an Irish Mug right now.
When your significant other makes you coffee infused with their scat and makes you drink it when you’re bedridden
1: I was bedridden last week and my wife made me a Standford brown mug
2: what’s that ?
1: scat coffee
2: I would kill her ass
The perfect gift for when you forget Father's Day.
"Did you remember Father's Day is tomorrow?"
"Shit no I guess I'm getting him a world's best dad mug"
It's probably what you see at the bottom of this definition, except with one extra "get a". When you make that advertisement have a mental breakdown and say the phrase "get a" over and over again.
Get a get a get a get a get a get a get a get a get a get a get a get a get a mug!
The necessary container for the all-essential life juice known as coffee. Substitutions, such as a foam cup, a thermos, or otherwise, may taint the coffee.
When my Urban Dictionary coffee mug went missing, I went for 3 hours that morning without a single cup of coffee! I almost died!