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As Known To The Books That are Called Big nate He Gets Low Grades And in A Book I Saw something like this

Damm he nated It

by MemesMemes April 4, 2022


A stupid chunk that thinks he’s so alpha cause he does martial arts

Fuck of NATE

by Xx_katzlover_xx lol October 17, 2019


Sydney’s bitch

Nate sucked Sydney’s toe vehemently

by sydneys bitch January 29, 2018


Someone who shits too much and is a basketball god. Enjoys goldfish and always keeps a condom in his wallet. Insanely smart but doesn’t like to show it. Very tall and twiggy and enjoys listening to music.

Who’s shit is that...oh wait that’s Nate’s

by Cnsjauavs April 4, 2019


A narcissist unbeknownst to himself. Charming, love bombing, wicked, cruel. Hates children because he hates himself. Brought up by a horrible Mother who never hugged or said I love you's. Beaten and berated, abandoned. Made into a loathsome sad self effacing covert narcissist. Don't feel sorry for him. He is a master of deceit and destruction. Mainly your self esteem and self worth. Run. Don't think or be beguiled just run.

Oh no! It's a Nate run, save yourself!

by Mspaliii December 24, 2023


Nate is a fun guy when you first meet him but can also be a backstabber I recommend not to hang out with he is normally blond but nicer when brunette

Ohh my god Nate is such an asshole

by Hahahahha nice try September 6, 2017


A guy who has a long head and likes to be called NuclearHavoc
Also is big gay

Guy 1: you’re ugly bro
Guy 2: don’t be such a nate bro

by Prickly boi April 16, 2019