As Known To The Books That are Called Big nate He Gets Low Grades And in A Book I Saw something like this
A stupid chunk that thinks he’s so alpha cause he does martial arts
Someone who shits too much and is a basketball god. Enjoys goldfish and always keeps a condom in his wallet. Insanely smart but doesn’t like to show it. Very tall and twiggy and enjoys listening to music.
Who’s shit is that...oh wait that’s Nate’s
A narcissist unbeknownst to himself. Charming, love bombing, wicked, cruel. Hates children because he hates himself. Brought up by a horrible Mother who never hugged or said I love you's. Beaten and berated, abandoned. Made into a loathsome sad self effacing covert narcissist. Don't feel sorry for him. He is a master of deceit and destruction. Mainly your self esteem and self worth. Run. Don't think or be beguiled just run.
Oh no! It's a Nate run, save yourself!
Nate is a fun guy when you first meet him but can also be a backstabber I recommend not to hang out with he is normally blond but nicer when brunette
Ohh my god Nate is such an asshole
A guy who has a long head and likes to be called NuclearHavoc
Also is big gay
Guy 1: you’re ugly bro
Guy 2: don’t be such a nate bro