In New Zealand slang, Randy means random
Person: I feel like some pumpkin right now
Me: Wtf, that’s randy as
Man 1: Randy Orton slippering
Man 2: Watch out watch out
Randy is a very sweet guy that you would always would love he is a great dad he is very funny only if he isn't pissed off .He is smexy. Lol if you ever find a Randy DON'T ever lose him
Girl 1:Omg I wish I had Randy he is sooo cute😍
Girl 2: He is already dating Sandra....
A Cool but yet fine ass rockstar ass big dick swinging cock thrashing on bitches looking like a motherfucking demon but yet his cock is huge and oh yea his cock is huge and also umm old heads hate his ass with a passion and oh yea he ummm got a big dick and his music is fire asf to fucking fire and ummm that's it's and oh yea people call him crazy cause HE THE SHIT BITCH
Yoooo I just heard that randy bands shit and it was fye asf hope no old heads hear it he keep fucking my bitch with his HUGE ASS HELMET COCK IT DELICIOUS