Source Code

phone pas

An error or blunder over the phone that usually results in major embarrassment or foot in mouth syndrome.

Derived from "faux pas" and pronounced <fone pah>.

I thought I hung up the phone, but realized the person on the other end could hear me say awful things about her - what a major phone pas!

by Babs & Coco June 9, 2006

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Christian phone

Cellphone that will not accept texts or calls from a phone owned by someone who it deems unholy.

I cant get any texts or calls from any of my stripper friends, i must have one of those christian phones.

by Jesbat February 9, 2010

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Phone Case

A girl's ass

Based on how girls carry their cell phones in the back pocket of their jeans.

"Damn, that girl has a nice phone case!"

"Yeah dude, my girl has the same one."

by VAlti May 6, 2019

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The Phone Call

(noun) Fucking a bitch from behind while she is on the phone with her mother.

"Man, Mary pulled the phone call on Joe last night."
"Yea, Joe told me she was screaming on the phone."

by Chesca natch February 2, 2009

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Stone Phone

To call anyone under the influence of marijuana. It utilises the term stoned while phoning someone.

Also means to throw large amounts of phones, knocking them out or dead. One is literally stoning someone with phones.

Dude... I got so high last night and accidently stone phoned my teacher... fuck man...

That bitch bit my ear off!!! Let's stone phone her to death

by Anal herpes April 18, 2007

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phone [pussy]

Usually a random, anonymous call with a sample from a sex hotline - will come at awkward times with no warning. Common on the West Coast although may strike anywhere, anytime.

"This by phone pussy, what it do! Oh, you want me to get you off. Oh! Yeah! Give it to me!"

by cLEOpatra 69 December 4, 2008

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phone masterbator

A sex freak who leaves a voice mail message about having sex while masterbating.

I can't believe that guy did that to you. Isn't there a phone masterbator law?

by Bagitbabe August 16, 2008

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