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You yo daddy son

Basically an insult calling you and your father ugly.
You and your father look alike, and are genetically related, so (typically), if someone were to say β€œYou ugly, you yo daddy son.” They Are calling you ugly initially, then linking that same adjective to your father.

Yo face nasty.
And you ugly and you yo daddy son.

by razberrywaffle June 21, 2020

Son of a Mother Cunting Cunt

swear word pornography, that's the only way I can describe it,

anyone on the receiving end better buckle the fuck up.

Dave: So she stole grabbed the money, your PC, stole your car and drove for the border.

Bill: If i see that Son of a Mother Cunting Cunt again i'll cut her head clean off her shoulders.

Dave: ...

by M4Shermanator1776 October 19, 2018

oh shit son

something an idiot says when surprised

micah,when i leap at him with a knife:"oh shit son!"

by oogie boogie jen August 27, 2003

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Gimme Back My Son!

A general expression of anger or frustration. Derived from Mel Gibson's famous line from the movie Ransom.

"Dude I was so ticked off last night I just screamed Gimme Back My Son!"

by Brandaminator March 19, 2009

41πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

National daughter/son day

A day thankful for your child. It’s basically like mothers or Father’s Day but for the kids. A day dedicated to your kids to show how thankful and proud of them you are. (On June 2nd!)

β€œI’m gonna show my kids some appreciation one national daughter/son day”

by Baddieeee12 May 10, 2019

6πŸ‘ -1πŸ‘Ž

My Dead Gay Son

Kurt Kelly and Ram Sweeney from Heathers the Musical.

Bill: "You wait just a minute, Paul! It's ignorant, hateful talk like yours that makes this world a place our boys could not live in! They were not dirty! They were not wrong! They were two lonely verses in the Lord's great song!"
Paul: "Our boys were pansies, Bill!"
Bill: "Yes! My boy's a homosexual, and that don't scare me none. I want the world to know... I love My Dead Gay Son!"

by THEUNNAMEDEGG February 4, 2022

Where is my son, Samuel?

Roblox Youtuber, AlbertsStuff and his friend Jake troll other workers and customers in a Roblox restaurant roleplaying game. Albert and Jake end up making troll accounts named motherofsamuel and samuel54363 and start a long running gag where Albert asks everyone where he can find his son, Samuel.

Where is my son, Samuel? Help me find my son!

by RaspBerryChipmunk July 23, 2017

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