The Spin Free Special is a bit of Cremita Salvadoreña on top of your order.
Dame Dos con el Spin Free Special Porfavor.
Those round brushes in car washes
Oh no! The Spinning Cylinder Of Doom has eaten the worker!
To stop mocking a person with "aiem (name)"
also linked to stop annoying.
Linked to spinning waffle
"(Name), Stop spinning waffles! "
its like spin the bottle and soggy biscuit but it goes on for 10 rounds,who ever the nugget lands on has to nut on the nugget but who ever lands on it last on the last round has to eat it.
do u wanna play spin the nugget
its like playing soggy biscuit and spin the bottle but who ever wins has to nut on the nugget,it keeps going on for 10 rounds and after the last round who ever nutted last eats the nugget.
do u wanna play spin the nugget
The act of making something bad seem good, or good seem bad through manipulation.
Technique commonly used in Business or Journalism.
Something Lauren doesn't understand.
"We were throwing some serious banter around in Marketing today"
Guy 1: Why?
Guy 2: (thinking spin)
Admin: Stop using that
Guy 1: Hi admin