Source Code

Paul Pena

Paul Pena was a highly skilled musician. He was very blind and yet very motivated to keep creating his wonderful music.

He was fucked over many times by the streets, due to several robberies and the music industry not giving a shit about him.

1. Have you seen Paul Pena's movie Genghis Blues?

2. Yeah, a very touching film!

by ArnoKB October 23, 2011

Paul Rees

A vaginal cleaning tool. Also known as a 'Reesy'. Helps to clean and cleanse dirty smelling lady-parts and help aid in relieving vaginal queefs. Often has a greasy appearance and a subtle smell of stale fish.

My snatch is dirty, have you seen Paul Rees?

Errr, yuck, your fingers smell like Reesy.

by meady666 July 23, 2010

Paul's People

1990's addict from Inland Empire. Tweeker.

Paul's People kick it in La Sierra neighborhood.

by Yveno1111 March 5, 2020

Mr. Paul

A guy who is constantly high and can't communicate for shit, he is very droopy but has a kind heart.

Mr. Paul was high

by Arc Mage December 2, 2019

st. paul

Capital of the great state of Minnesota. 1/2 of the twin cities.

St. Paul is a big place and a lot safer than places like Chicago and Detriot which are filled with Chinese gangs who wait to steal your credit cards and other things.

by Eric December 31, 2005

276๐Ÿ‘ 167๐Ÿ‘Ž

Paul is Dead

A ledgend/cult that in 1966, Paul McCartney of the Beatles died in a car crash, and the Beatles quickly found a look a like(Billy Shears) to replace Paul, and covered the whole thing up. Of course, it's a hoax, but if you're a Beatles fan, it is interesting to check out, although it does give me the heebie-jeebies if I do it at night...anyway, obsessed maniacs find all these clues in songs and on album covers by using mirrors, symbolism, a lot of Internet searching, and record players.

Did you know that Paul McCartney actually died in '66?
No man, Paul is Dead was just a hoax. Did you know gullible isn't in the dictionary?

by Jennina August 26, 2008

47๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž

saint paul

A relitively small city in Minnesota. It is one of the two Twin Cities (the other one is Minneapolis).

I love St. Paul, anyone who hates it is plain stupid.

by a clever name August 16, 2005

232๐Ÿ‘ 139๐Ÿ‘Ž