During the act of intercourse, the man pulls out his erect penis while the woman violently jabs a taser between the mans balls and penis.
man, she can rock your night with a Charge Tower
Tower of Danny is a country located in the tower in Crossroads on Roblox. I am not the creator, but I am the owner/president. After the original president left due to ToD being stupid and not even reaching the bare minimum requirement to be a country, I became the new president as before he left I was vice-president.
Even though is was just a stupid joke and wasn't meant to be taken seriously, I took it to heart.
User 1: Hey do you like Tower of Danny?
User 2: No
User 1: Then you shall DIE!!!
Going face down at your friends crotch in a public pool while they piss out all the alcohol.
Dude did you see the Las Vegas Water Tower Hunter took from Corey yesterday?
The most ratchet resident hall at the University of Memphis. Full of ratchet people, pot heads, and the occasional fuck tard.
Emma: Hey, do you live on campus?
Kristin: Yea, but I live in Ratchetson Towers. It sucks.
Emma: Oh my god, I know! I live there too! NINTH FLOOR!!
the name of popular tower heroes youtuber
i LOVE to watch videos made by Tower Heroes Epic BloxMan
When 2 Jeff's bang the same chick at the same time and high 5 each other in the process.
Bree just got the Jeffel Tower.
some dumb towers that cant stand up when a plane hits them.
wow imagine not being alive when getting hit with a plane wowwwwwww dumb twin towers