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toilet fudge

toilet fudge is basically poo

im off to the toilet, to make some fudge (toilet fudge) or off to make sum toilet fudge

by a gibbon November 4, 2007

5๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

toilet bowl

A championsip game culminating a season of competition with various teams.

Turd Burglars vs. Pissants.... Turd Burglars are on the blitz... they've burgled a turd... Now they're penetrating the backfield.. Flushdown, Turd Burglars !!!!!

by Johnny Chingas January 13, 2004

19๐Ÿ‘ 25๐Ÿ‘Ž

Toilet bomber

When a person plugs toilets due to the abundant use of toilet paper.

Jim was known as the toilet bomber by every hotel he stayed at in Asia.

by Pmdono July 23, 2016

toilet paper

That one item that was abused shortly after the first wave of Covid

Person: I'm out of toilet paper! How will I wipe my ass?!
Person 2: Good luck, all of the supermarkets are closed due to the pandemic.

by SuperNateParty July 3, 2021

Toilet Paper

A mythical thing it does not exist see also coronaphobia.

Karen: I have a cart full of toilet paper

by Mythical being #Toiletpaper March 17, 2020

Toilet Paper

a paper you use to wipe your shit, and bouncing droplets of toilet water.

American in Japan: where's a toilet paper?
"A random Japanese stranger"
: we use bidet instead.
American: we have to make America smart again!

by someart February 28, 2017

Toilet paper

Also a holy grail for covidiots at this time. Covidiots somehow think that toilet paper is going to save them from some desease that is pretty much the cold except u cough more. And now because of them, I have to cut my paper towel in halt and give myself crack burns. Great.

Person 1: Why do you have 64 cases of toilet paper???
Covidiot: idk I don't feel safe without it I guess
Person 1: Ur messed up in the head bro

by new guy 101 April 22, 2020