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turn yo face around

To tell someone to be quiet; shut up; stfu.

fool: you was trippin last night, but you is always trippin...
you: man, turn yo face around

by the cisco kid April 20, 2008

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baby face with the parted hair

Term of endearment used by the sea of admirers for a very handsome narcissistic paramedic. He has great skill in his craft, but this is overshadowed by his knee weakening good looks. Not to mention that amazing hair

Baby face with the parted hair starts all the ivs in the ER

by Bordem queen April 28, 2016

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upside down smiley face

Down for butt stuff

She sent me the upside down smiley face emoji so I know she's down to do butt stuff later.

by Kelsodilla November 23, 2015

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you fucked up my face

The famous quote in Hunt Down The Freeman said by Mitchell Shephard to Adam before killing him

you fucked up my face *gunshot*

by MemeLord4063 May 28, 2018

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snack you across the face

I witty comeback to make when a guest is at your house asking for snacks

Guest: Let's get some snacks.
Host: No
Guest: Come on we need some snacks
Host: Boy shut up before i snack you across the face.

by josh wilson July 4, 2006

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Rip your face off rally

This is an extremely painful event. It typically occurs in the stock market, when you just finished getting so leveraged up on full margin with short positions.

The stock market then viciously turns and "heads" up the other direction all while ripping your face physically off. It happens so quickly it is typically only noticed when you look up from your keyboard to ask your trading partner what happened, and he only see's a pair of lips and what used to resemble a face talking to him.

A CNBC contributor, Steve Grasso, is a well known advocate to stopping this disease from spreading.

Hey Billy, is that Melanie Griffith over there or some guy that got his face ripped off in last weeks stock market rally?

rip your face off rally

by trav0987654 August 5, 2011

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Texas faced sports cunt

One who insists on driving an early model red sports car with Texas plates. Can usually be found warming up the engine by over revving before 9 am on Sunday mornings.

"What's that noise honey?"
"Go back to sleep dear, It's only the Texas faced sports cunt from upstairs"

by Teddy Hancock July 11, 2008

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