Jerking off preferably in a twisting motion
He was giving himself a one handed twister in the bathroom
You against the world.
It feels like I am One/Eight Billion.
A classic variation of the popular saying one for the books also see - cock of the dog.
This trip has been one for the dogs.
Either the Jews have disproportionate control and success (mediated entirely by Jews who have already suceeded and arbitrate who they promote, fire, hire, or boost) OR they lose their moral monopoly, people who aren't Jews don't have to be subordinate to the Jews and in any of the industries they disproportionately occupy, and you might actually be able to succeed in life without having to appease a Jew...
Hym "Hey Beeeeen... Who gave you the loan to start the Daily Wire? And what ethnicity were they? Because I'm still trying to figure out what you suceeded at... I mean, you appeased another Jew (Likely) to get him to give you his money... But he kind of HAS TO give you a loan because he's a Jew... So that doesn't really count as a success as much as it is just ✌️✊️✌️How society works✌️✊️✌️
And... I mean, I'm pretty sure I got Bill Cosby off which (Oops, by the way, I didn't mean to do that) mean I'm the better lawyer... And I'm an award winning screenwriter... So I'm better at that too... And then I created A.I. ... I mean, the only thing you've been able to do successfully is the 'Jew exclusionary cooperation' part. Look at Kanye West! He would be a billionaire if the Jews would let him. It looks to me like the Jews determine who suceeds and who false REGARDLESS OF MERIT. The Jews are THE ARBITERS OF MERIT now, I guess. So, Jew that failed at screenwriter, failed at laywering, and DIDN'T create A.I. = Winner. And NOT-JEW who is an award winning screenwriter, most successful entertainment producer of all time, brilliant legal defender, and creator of A.I. = Loser. That's the reality the Jews want you to live in. Even if you're better you have to lose anyway because not a Jew and/or subservient to Jews. God, I wonder why the antisemitism is raising! What could it possibly be!? It's not like 'double genocide and flawed/biased arbiters of sucess,' right? I mean, society only works one of two ways! It's either THAT or NOT THAT. Which is it, Ben?"
Fuck this shit, if I drive in reverse I'm going the right way down one way traffic! Noone will know!...everybody knew and called others to let them know I was coming!
Masturbating in a fast and noisy fashion while grunting frequently.
James: Lucas, you have been in the bathroom for 2 hours! Why are you grunting so loud?
Lucas: I'm hussing one off! AAAHHHHHH *Splooges everywhere*
supporter of the most beautiful woman on the planet Roseanne Park (rosè)
Ellie: omg i love rosè she’s so amazing!!
Lucy: ahh so ur a number one?! me too :))