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Wat up wit it vanilla face?

a greeting, usually to a white female homie; however can also be shortened to "wat up wit it?" to include all your homies.

Girl: Hey chris!
Chris: Wat up wit it vanilla face?

by 5izzlinhot49 October 28, 2010

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Cold War Fuck Face Off

The time in a relationship when both parties are avoiding sex to punish the other person. Can lead to a Cuban missile crisis

John "Hey, Jake. You look aweful did you get any last night?"

Jake "No we're still in a cold war fuck face off."

John "Have you tried a missile test as a display of power? It migth make the Berlin wall crumble"

by Chemlock November 4, 2008

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whap my bacon on her face

1. (Scottish Slang) The deploarble act of savagely placing ones penis on someones face.

"I noticed your maw was asleep and decided to sneakily whap my bacon on her face."

by TheGayMaker December 14, 2007

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Get the horse out of your face

a slang expression coined in the early 21st century used to express annoyance or objection to what someone else is saying. Used first by professor Myndia Biznesse when reprimanding disrespectful students in his general knowledge and philosophy class. The term is frequently spoken with an accent imitating professor Biznesse, who is of Italian decent. Sometimes, when quoting him, the word "horse" is spelled "hoasse" or "hosse", "out of" is substituted with "outta", and "your face" with "ya face". This is to further emulate Biznesse's strong accent.

Jerry, you always run your mouth because you think you're so smart. Get the horse out of your face.

by hollanatme January 27, 2010

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Face like a half sucked mango

An Australian term for a woman with a very unattractive face.

Ian- "Hey check out Helen, she has an amazing body"
Kevin- "Yeah but she has a face like a half sucked mango"

by BelindaCarlisleLover January 13, 2010

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i will stab you in the face, repeatedly

A phrase i use when i'm truly pissed and about to snap

"if you don't shutup right now, i will stab you in the face, repeatedly"

by AleisterEPOD October 28, 2008

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shut up turd face

what to tell someone who is trying to wake u up, or what u tell someone who is getting on your nerves

Jason: Wake up baby
Rachel: Shut up Turd Face!!!!!

by Jason&Rachel October 16, 2005

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