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Digging in butt

An act where you stick your finger in your butt that you get addicted if your name is Nathan

Nathan loves digging in butt

by Therealfnd March 28, 2021

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crumb butt

Full Definition

- Crumb butt: (n) when an unclothed person's posterior who is lying on a mattress or couch has left over food particles stick to it.

"Dammit! I just sat in those potato chip crumbs! I'm such a crumb butt."

by TheOriginalCrumbButt November 7, 2013

meany mutt butt head

a very annoying brother

My brother is a meany mutt butt head.

by hi llama llama March 18, 2009

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king kong butt

The largest mammal booty to ever sit on this earth.

โ€œYou just got shit on! How does that King Kong Butt taste pleb?โ€

by This isnโ€™t Cole November 24, 2021

grant butt

A male who likes to grant anal sex in his anus. Often from well hung chimpanzees or guys named Vern.

Grant Butt allowed Donger the Chimp to leave pecker tracks on his lower back.

by Longer Butt Donger December 14, 2017

butt of sugar

A Womans ass that tastes like powdered sugar.

Dawn Patterson-Means ass tastes so delicious, she has a butt of sugar.

by Daxnix January 10, 2016

Stinkle butt

A loser campuzano aka nick that has extremely stinky balls

Did you know the hockey game is today

Okay stinkle butt

by Corinnegyy December 3, 2022