The most evil race I've come across in my entire life. Backstabbing, drama obsessed, guilt tripping bastards. Not all of them tho
Person 1: You see Sofia over there? She seems pretty upset maybe we should go talk to her.
Person 2: Don't talk to her, shes a Slightly-tanned white girl, I saw her cry over a fucking cupcake.
person who introduces you to enclosed group of interest or people, origins of this comes from the film Matrix and book named Alice in Wonderland
-I don't know anyone out there... Could you please be my white rabbit?
-Sure, no problem. You will know everybody in no time!
Always running late
Looking for something so much, you forget why you started.
before you start med school you have a ceremony to get your first white coat
hey dude are you coming to my white coat ceremony?
Not self-diagnosis.
Hym "There is white build-up that forms on the upper right side of my gums. Right above where my tooth with the hole in it is... It's probably there not. Here, I'll stick a finger in and show it to the camera......... See it? If a doctor were to swab that... What would he find and what would he prescribe? It doesn't grow on the upper left side of my gums. See? Not the bottom either. Right above that tooth there is some kind of bacteria growing. When I asked an ER doctor about it he asked if I had been to a dentist and told me to buy Tylenol... Tylenol doesn't do anything. It doesn't help. Because it isn't a headache. THAT DOCTOR said it was a headache. The word headache was on the receipt. It was not a headache. It's this white shit. Whatever THAT is, is what's wrong with me. Not the things I say. The gang stalking and gaslighting is what's wrong with YOU. And the peripheral elements of my life are the direct result of ALSO YOU, you piece of shit, and me not getting paid.
White Build-up. Directly above a tooth that used to have a filling in it. The filling came out. Now there is a hole. Fungus growing on the gums above the tooth. Pressure in the right side of the head. Sounds like fluid build-up. Can hear the fluid push into the back of my eardrum when I swallow. Spread to the left side 1 year ago. Now there is pressure in BOTH sides of my head. The last could of weeks have been especially bad. I cause that Nora virus that has been going around and during THAT illness I had a series of nose bleeds that actively alleviated the pressure on the LEFT side of my head for a few days. That is not TMJ. Fuck you Doctor Zach."
An orgy outside in the snow.
Originated in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Hey, you hosers wanna have a Winnipeg White Out eh?
White Russian with coffee
I’m in the mood for a Columbian White Russian.