"Mothertrucker - a guy that trucks your mother" -CGAcclamator on a leauge of legends stream
mother trucker is a guy that trucks your mother, when you move he will truck your mother to the new house
the resulting solution that chills out between crystallized protein subunits after a components has been removed from the original solution. get your mind out of the gutter!
What were the conditions in the mother liquor that allowed for successful crystallization? Will it even work again? Nobody knows...
When you and the girls just got too turnt at the club, too much hot tub and rosé. When Saturday was LIT, completely son of Merlinda’d but now Sunday is here and you’re feeling terrible
Alyssa: last night I got completely son of Merlinda’d.
Maegan: me too, completely mother of Joey’d. I need a tums and some Tylenol
Saying 'mother fucker' in Jonah Takalua's code. What he does is he adds 'ch' at the beginning of every swear word and apparently, no one gets it.
Graydon aka Fanta pubes: Your dance was so shit
Jonah: Chuck you, mother chucka!
kind of like "yo momma", but more intellectual.
kid from da hood: "YO MOMMA SO FAT....!!!"
reply from nerdy kid trying to fit in: "your mother..."
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