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cum fart

1. When a male or female has just had anal sex and they proceed to fart afterwards.

2. After one cums in their partners ass, their partner proceeds to fart. This usually ends up causing a bit of a splatter. Sometimes a neat sound effect.

3. A kind of porno, usually consisting of a male and a female. THe male buttfucks her and she farts cum.

Man 1: Oh dude it was so nasty!
Man 2: What?
Man 1: I was having anal sex with Jenny last night and about 5 minutes later she lets out this enormous cum fart
Man 2: That is nasty...

2. "Dude did you here about Jenny last night...she cum farted right after fucking mike."

Go to google.
Type in cum farters
Click on one of the links.
Try to watch it.

by MoRPHiNe June 5, 2006

586πŸ‘ 125πŸ‘Ž

Cum Otter

To cum on your partners hair, then comb it back to give them a slick look like an otter that's freshly emerged from the stream.

I ejaculated on my girlfriend so much last night she looked like a cum otter

by Shepface June 20, 2011

22πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

zebra cum

Any liquid or gel of somehow questionable origin. Phrase is usually delivered in a very excited or very deadpan voice. It comes from a Lewis Black comedy routine:

"You ever read the ingredients in sunblock? I’ve never seen those words anywhere. You don’t even know what you’re putting on your face, do you? You go, β€œOh no, the sun’s out!” It could be zebra cum; you don’t know. You may not like that joke, but you don’t know."

Joe: I found this unopened bottle without a label down by the river.
Bob: It could be zebra cum; you don't know!

Alison: How do they make this liquid makeup?
Jane: Zebra cum.

by jaberwocky January 24, 2008

22πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

gay cum

Word that rhymes with getkume a word invented by xxxtentacion meaning the next level of thinking also the name of his son

Gay cum was born today

by Jack Spicer January 27, 2019

49πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

cum shots

When cum is shot into a girls pussy mouth or anus.

As Chad fired Cum Shots into Kiersten's soft little pussy he felt like a soldier going into battle!

Kiersten smiled and opened wide as Chad fired Cum Shot's into her mouth!

Chad ripped off Kiersten's panties and fired Cum Shot's into her anus!

by SlopNChop December 17, 2016

202πŸ‘ 40πŸ‘Ž

cum catchers

Incredibly fake eye lashes. They generally make women appear far more attractive. Falls into the maintenance category of yet another thing a women must find time to do in order to receive penis. Most women find it makes them more attractive but the only purpose they serve is to catch cum that is dripping of their forehead. In cases of extreme accuracy it may block what would be a direct eye hit during a facial.

After Blondie and I left the bar she went down on me! Bro I glazed her cum catchers!

My boyfriend tried to blind me last night but thankfully my cum catchers protected my eyes.

by SilkyMeatloaf July 20, 2019

93πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž

cum gut

when a girl develops a beer belly from drinking so much semen.

-her belly was starting to look bulbous from drinking cum all the time, she obvious had a cum gut

-you can tell she guzzles cum, just look at that bulging cum gut

by great lisa July 5, 2006

87πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž