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sussy baka

a word that is so bad that if you use it, the government will come and get you.

Person one: you are a sussy baka!
person two: oh no...
the government: lets get him boys!

by Don't use your real name g January 25, 2022

Sussy Baka

Sussy baka is a word used to describe someone very suspect. It is usually used in scenarios where the victim is acting quite suspect.

You are a sussy baka

by epic tROLL 11 April 6, 2022

sussy baka

aka sussy brother

You are a real sussy baka to me.

by The Cambridge Encyclopedia ✔️ January 10, 2022

Sussy Baka


You are a sussy baka

by Kitler3420 January 30, 2023

Sussy Baka


I'm sussy baka

by ;) bobby June 29, 2021

sussy baka

a person who's acting a hillarious/foolish/stupid action that was actually/looking suspicious

You sussy baka 😜🥵~

by SUSSUS!! October 6, 2021

sussy baka

A suspicious baka. A reference to the popular game *Among Us*.

Sawa is being a sussy baka.

by Rayzrr Blade May 19, 2021