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Band aid

noun - using a female for the night, after breaking up with your girl, and then throwing her away

I need a band aid to help this little wound I have.

by tomcat3825 April 3, 2011

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band aid it

to apply a band aid on a cut scratch or scrape

your cut looks pretty bad maybe you should band aid it

by zerordie323 August 5, 2006

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Band Shit

Activities that are related to highschool marching band that prevents you from doing cooler, more fun things with friends.

Rory just said he can't make it, He's doing band shit again this Saturday

by antinigga February 23, 2020

Rock band

A musical ensemble usually consisting of about 4-5 members (Red Hot Chili Peppers and The Strokes, respectively). There are existing bands that contain 2 members (The Black Keys) , 3 members (Nirvana), or even 6 members (Linkin Park). Usually a band consists of:

Lead Singer: the diva and the one who believes everything should go their way; nevertheless they are great singers, most of the time (ex. Julian Casablancas of The Strokes)

Guitarist (one or more): second in line diva and the one responsible for incredible solos (ex. Jimi Hendrix)

Bassist: laid back and underrated musicians, can deliver amazing bass lines (ex. Flea from Red Hot Chili Peppers)

Drummer: underrated as well but usually a dumbass, hard hitters (ex. John Bonham from Led Zeppelin)

Another member of a rock band is a keyboardist

"I love rock music so much! What's your favourite rock band?" "My favourite rock band definantly has to be AC/DC. They can sure rock the house down!:

by username already taken September 4, 2015

bittie band

A bittie band is a headband, often worn by 11-14 year old wannabe scenesters, also known as bitties.

The bittie band is often paired with a lot of eyeliner, colourful braces, and terribly teased hair.

The bittie band itself is worn in front on the bangs, and around the head, and comes in several different colours. While headbands like this are often worn by non-bitties, when attached to a bitties forehead they are known as bittie bands.

Bittie: omfggg!!!!1111oneone!!! Those headbands that Lights wears are sooooozzz br004al!!!!! I need one for teh BMTH show!!!!111

Non-bittie: ha. Bittie band.

by blehblehbleh22222 April 22, 2009


When someone gives you a shred of hope when in actuality there is none i.e. when the band-aid is dangling on the last, most painful hair and needs to be ripped off. Can be used as a noun or adjective.

She's band-dangling the shit out of me. I wish the band-dangler would just rip it off and get it over with.

by NAGEM1234 February 19, 2015

Elastic Band

something to play with when you are suffering immense levels of boredom, usually when being tasked with revising for an exam

man this revision sucks ass, is there any elastic bands I can play with

by DamnBoiThatsCrazy May 23, 2022