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Debit Card

Also known as the "check cashin' cawd," this is the only form of payment available to persons who have destroyed their credit history by purchasing far too much alcohol and/or car stereo equipment on their first (and only) credit card. You can spot such persons by either a prominent mullet or lazy eyes caused by excessive crack abuse. The largest concentrations are found on the Eastern Seaboard and reside in Newark, Philadelphia, Jacksonville, and especially Atlanta. All of these persons are in need of rental vehicles as all of theirs are either on blocks or have been repossessed by the state.

"Do y'all take the check cashin' cawd (Debit Card) for yo' rental cars?

by Angry Man October 20, 2003

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blue card

someone who prefers using blue card while invading instead of gold because it does more damage

random: " why didn't you use gold card dude?"
tf: " blue card is better"

by milkaby December 27, 2021

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Magic cards

Men's contraceptive pill.

Guy: "Hey man, wanna come to the club and pick up some bitches?" Other guy: "naaa, I'm gonna hang out with my bro and play magic tonight."

Girl: "oh that guy is kinda cute, do you think he has a girlfriend?" Other girl: "I don't think he does, I saw him playing with magic cards the other day."

"Yo man, have you got a condom?" "No, but I've got a hard deck of magic cards."

by Bevroren eend October 28, 2021

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The act of playing a game of cards on a females back while doing her doggy style. Types of games include but not limited to: klondike, war, go fish, uno, black Jack, 5 card stud or old maid!

Mac: what did you do last night?
Jarvis: yo son, check it. I was doing this gurl doggie style last night and we was drunk as hell!!
Mac: oh yeah how was that?
Jarvis: she wasnt enjoying it as much as me. So to top it off I card-dogged her! Had a wicked game of WAR goin till she jumped up!! Haha!
Mac: wait... you were playing war by yourself??

by C-bear84 September 7, 2010

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door card

The first face-up card dealt to each player in Seven Card Stud, often used to determine which player must make a forced bet or "bring it in".

I chose to fold when the player to my right bet after pairing his door card, representing at least a pair of kings.

by Jeff_P May 10, 2006

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Trump card

A Trump card is a last-ditch, bottom-gutter effort to say yourself. The most despicable, morally bankrupt choice you can make with even a slim possibility of getting yourself out of a shitty situation you put yourself in.

After losing the role of student counsel president, Ron played his Trump card by spreading rumors that the election was rigged, even after proof to the contrary, in the hope that the student body counsel would reverse the vote.

by bbbellchee January 7, 2021

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Trump Card

A first play on idiotic libtards, such as when Donald Trump would corner Joey B in the debates, Biden would then use his trusty Biden card to change the subject to something Kamala told him(that he also forgot), while Trump checkmates him first play using his infamous Trump card! It is considered to "Trump" all stupidity but only the most intelligent people such as Trump, Libertarians, and most Republicans know how to use it best!

"Hey bro! I heard someone talking about that terribly horrifying murder weapon the AR-15!" "So I just walk over and pull out my Trump card, all I say is how hands and feet murder more people than all firearms combined murder every year! And every country that has banned guns spiked in murders directly after!"

Leaving the democunt immobilized, not knowing what to say, as the poor snowflake's world had been shattered, turning to pelosi and Comedy News Network for the word of god and wisdom

by Communism is almost here folks March 18, 2021

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