Source Code


11.5-tuple-4C: Person who, in relation to the other person, has zero parents, zero grandparents, zero great-grandparents, zero great-great-grandparents and twenty-three great-great-great-grandparents in common.

My 11.5-tuple-fourth-cousin is a good person.

by ABGR June 9, 2021


Eighth-cousin-twice-removed (8C2R).

My eighth-cousin-2X-removed is a good person.

by N8953SW June 27, 2021

Cousin Productions

Cousins Production is an anime weeb located on Youtube. He definitely hates his fans and he doesnt know how to run a server. I think he has a crush on naruto even though he is a boy and he owns france i think. He makes nicely edited tutorials on youtube which take 5 hours to be sent out. P.S. He is 3 Years Old.

Billy: Hey Cousin Productions!
Cousins: Hey Billy!
Billy: What will your next video be about?
Cousins: Why 3 year olds should be able to watch anime.
Billy: I'm unsubscribing.

by Person Impersonator February 24, 2021

first cousin-aunt

Parent's female first cousin.

My first cousin-aunt is a good person.

by Mr. Jacov November 23, 2019

Alabamas Cousin Treatment

The act of dickin' down your first cousin.

"Dude, I just gave my cousin the alabamas cousin treatment!"

by Von Hitla March 9, 2023

isolated cousin

The cousin who is never able to hangout with his or her other cousins and family members. This can be due to family issues/drama

why don’t we ever see chloe?”
“Oh, shes the isolated cousin”

by ilostmysanity March 18, 2023


1- Grandpibling's grandchild.
2- Someone who, in relation to others, has zero parents, zero grandparents and two great-grandparents in common.


by Cerejini May 21, 2024