Where TF the person get off acting a certain way!
My coworker thought she could go silent all day when she knows I need her help, the audacity of dis B!
Where TF the person thinks they get off....
My coworker went silent all day knowing I can not be trusted to manage my own mouth with peeps, the audacity of dis B!
When something just completely vanishes
"My ship was just here"
"Yea it didn't even fly away it just
Dis(The fuck)appeared
When you refuse to like any posts/pictures of a facebook 'friend' because they never like any of your posts/pictures
Douchebag David posted a picture of his kid but Pancho "dis"liked it because Douchebag David never likes any of his posts.
dumbed down version of having this, hav dis etc...
used by simple people
u want to huv di deek in ur bum
a insult to a person and his/her parents in norwegian.
stating that your mom is a man, your dad is gay and that you are an adopted transgendered person.
boy: mor di e så feit at hun må betale for tre seter på kinoen.
your mom is so fat that she has to pay for three seats at the theatres/cinemas.
joker: mor di e mann far din e homo og du e ein adoptert transe.
your mom is a man, your dad is gay and you are a adopted trans.