Drama Enhancement is something Blemily Bear gives when you complete its quest.
Drama enhancement is burning the world
A word used by those who are strictly anti-Facebook to describe the app. Mostly used when talking about users who post unwanted and annoying opinions or who create drama with middle aged soccer moms.
Did you hear about Jerry on drama book? all his arguing in political comment sections got him banned!
Immediately after an internet personality inserts themselves in drama.
Often associated with people that always find themselves in the middle of all types of drama.
"I like to be drama free, but let me tell you what I just heard!"
teenage drama is basically started by someone who does something for their personal benefit and it hurts someone. it seems like a big fucking deal, and sometimes its, but it could also be the most retarded shit ever. how teenage drama is resolved is when someone who could have a major or minor part in this drama does something so selfless and benefits everyone in the process. teenage drama can be avoided by simply doing nothing and keeping things the way they are.
you hear that naomi, you serioulsy could've avoid all this bull shit teenage drama if you did absolutely fucking nothing
When it's the end of the school year and drama is still going on so you save t for next school year
Too much is going on I'm about to drama teleportation.
A person who steal someone's drama
I stole his drama and his money, and his girl friend as well! he is now a loser. I am a bad drama thief!