Source Code

torpedo dude

A person who is an arrogant, passive aggressive dickface who believes he can write excellent papers, when in reality, it is just a bunch of words copied from cited sources

It is impossible to get any work done with a torpedo dude on board because he rejects another team member's idea in the most passive aggressive way while being extremely self-righteous.

by get_of_idiots February 27, 2012

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Dude Pile

A pile consisting of dudes only.

A term used when four or more dudes create a hot steamy pile of male humans.

One is most likely to witness a dude pile at college party houses when alcohol is involved.
Can also be used in celebration.

I went to the 405 house last night to celebrate a clean report from my STD test. Everyone cheered and created a Dude Pile on top of me.

by ohCheese December 26, 2018

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bangin dudes

Social cover-up to say to bro's. Meaning "Not doing anything"

Cole: whats up dude
Colton: Bangin Dudes!

by fogglestore January 4, 2012

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dude piston

male genetalia i.e. the penis

Power drill the yippee bog with the dude piston

by Tanner Rocks November 2, 2005

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Rude Dude

A damn prick that has now fuckin idea with whom he's messing with. aka shithead or sometimes called pussy formerly also known as dork.

Rude Dude: Dude I'm rude, Swiss folks are losers.
Genius: Get a brain dude and stop judging people u don't have a fuckin idea of. PS: Go eat shit.

by Stiffmeister January 11, 2005

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my dude

The male equivalent of "my lady" (British origin), generally used as a respectable form of address.

Straight guy from 1919: Wanna join me in a dance, my lady?

Gay (or straight) guy from 2019: Wanna join me in a dance, my dude?

by Mary Mary Quite The Contrarian October 23, 2019

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dusty dude

A guy who is professionally unemployed, brags about how much he has (Cars, money, property, etc) but cannot produce the proof of his "so called" possessions. He usually has an unsuspecting, naive, gullible girlfriend, partner or friend who has totally brought into his lies. Because this person has no job, he usually sits around playing video games all day smoking weed (or vapor pipes) and has no ambition to do anything with his life other than live off of his previously mentioned unsuspecting, naive, gullible girlfriend, partner or friends. He usually seeks to be the center of attention wherever he goes and lies so much that he seriously believes his own lies.

Me: When is that dusty dude going to get off your couch and get a job?

Unsuspecting, naive, gullible girlfriend: He has a job, but he told me that his boss gave him the rest of the month off because of all the hard work that he was doing.

by Old head 21 July 16, 2017

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